Dissertation Log: Week 2
Section 1
The Basics
Name: Ryn Johnstone
Age: 26
Date: Sunday, 24th of September, 2023
Dissertation Title: Peter Pan Retelling | Something with Retelling/Remix Culture
Section 2
Progress Questions
What are the most important results I obtained the last week?
So, I’ve learned my previous research question was too broad and needs to be tightened. Since I only have 5,000 words for it, I don’t have a lot of words to convey things.
I’m also now finding out I’m not actually sure what I’m doing for the essay. I kept thinking there had to be a research question, but now I understand that our essay (Creative Writing Essay for Dissertation) is a Critical Reflection. To my understanding, a Critical Reflection is where you discuss why you made your writing choices, what influenced you, and what you were trying to do in your story. So, in that case, I don’t need a research question (since it’s not a research essay) but rather understand my choices. I’m not sure. I’ll need to email my supervisor.
Did I deviate from the planning of the last week? If so, why?
Yeah. Again, I never really worked on anything because I don’t know what I’m doing. The Coffee Hour is helpful, but I’m really lost. Even looking through the Canvas pages, I’m lost. Like, yeah, I get this is how to do it, but I need a timeline. I know I must choose my literature soon to write my Lit Review for the start of November, but what else?
What are my most important goals for the coming week?
Read more, I guess. I’m not sure how many books I need. I thought from the intro class I only needed two, but I think I need more now.
What do I have to do to meet these goals?
Set aside time for just reading. Also, come up with more questions for the Coffee Morning.
What can I do to overcome any hurdles on the way?
SLEEP. OMG! GO TO SLEEP! I don’t know why I’m acting like a bloody toddler and refusing to go to sleep. Just sleep. It makes life infinitely easier!
Section 3
Grounding Questions
What has been your most significant achievement this week?
I decided on the methodology for my Journalism Assessment. That’s fun; now I need to pick the topic. I might do the COVID option on the Assessment sheet or talk to my Lecturer and ask if I can do the Ruby Franke stuff we worked on in class. That one does interest me. I’ll look at the COVID stuff first, though.
What has been your biggest obstacle this week?
I don’t know why, but I’m been finding it hard to get myself into bed at night. I need to work on the routine. I think it may be the Tuesday that buggers me. I do my two classes on Teams in the morning, then essentially hang about until I need to leave for my 1500 class on campus, and then I have to drive back at 1600 from campus. A journey which should take around 45 to 60 minutes takes me two hours on Tuesday, thanks to roadworks and rush hour traffic.
I think by the time I get home, I’m tired, want to relax and then lose track of time for getting ready for my shower and bed. I just need to come in, eat, and then do stuff. Or just in, shower, then dinner.
What are you concerned about for next week?
The Coffee Morning. My supervisor takes it, and I’ve never met him. I spoke to him before we broke off for summer and emailed about my idea, but that was it. I don’t want him to think I’m not working on it. I’m trying, I just don’t know what I’m doing.
What are you excited about for next week?
Chewy’s Birthday is next Sunday, so I’m looking forward to buying him a present and something nice! My wee ghoul boy will be six!
What made you smile this week?
I finished The Girl From The Other Side by Nagabe in thirty minutes. I read it before my Journalism Lecture on Monday morning. It was so good! BUT THERE ARE LIKE ELEVEN OR TWELVE BOOKS!
The story is so good. I loved reading it. All the books are saved to my Waterstones wishlist and the special editions. Hopefully, they will work on Christmas present ideas.
What has been your favourite song(s) this week?
Social Path by Stray Kids featuring LiSA
What has been your favourite photo(s) this week?
Chewy with his carrot toy that he got from Mum on her holiday.
Anything else you want to say?
I’m so confused. Writing Dissertation Log Week 2 has not made anything any clearer like I hoped it would.

Section 4
The Discussion Board Questions
1. What challenges do you anticipate in the dissertation writing process (e.g. time management, drafting, research)?
Burnout is my major concern. I’m incredibly prone to burning out, so I’m afraid that will be a challenge I must overcome. I know ways to help overcome it, but trying to catch myself before I fizzle out is the problem.
2. What do you think are the essentials of a clear and focused research question?
- A narrow field of focus
- Having your stance in the question (Example: Why are Nightmare Typhons considered are the best and most deadly Typhons in the video game Prey (2017)?)
(I know my example isn’t English-related, but I blanked when I was coming up with an example, so this is close to something I wrote years ago.)
3. Draft a preliminary research question for your dissertation.
How remix/retelling culture is important in a world limited by the seven-story archetypes.
Dissertation Log: Week 2 = COMPLETE