New Year, New Books! Top 7 Books I’m Excited For

Now that we are in 2022, and still coping with COVID’s destructive rampage (although it does seem to be slowing), I thought I would take a look at this year’s TBR (to be read). 

Since 2019, I’ve tried to do the Goodreads Book Challenge and I’ve failed each year, including 2021. Between life and my mind, I either don’t read or don’t log what I’ve read. So, for 2022, I want to actually give this a go. 

I have my personal TBR and I will also have my University TBR (more MBR – Must Be Read). I will be adding any books I read for University into the Goodreads challenge, simply because I’m proud of the books I’ve read for Uni so far. I’ve read Hamlet and Julius Caesar for my course and I’m proud of that. 

Did I understand the wording (Old English)? No, not at all.

Were they easy reads? Hell, no.

Did I finish them? Yes, with a headache.

Do I remember the story, plot or characters? Oh, no. Once I no longer needed the knowledge my brain binned that information.

However, I grasped the stories and I can say I’ve read them. I couldn’t do a quiz on them now, but I read them.

I’m getting off track, sorry!

This year’s TBR is currently sitting at thirty-two books. I won’t be listing them all here, however, my Goodreads profile is always listed at the bottom of posts and this link will take you straight to the TBR list for you to check out my list. For right now, I’m going to list my top seven books I’m looking forward to reading.


An Heir Comes To Rise

C.C. Peñaranda
AHCTR Series, Book 1

This is a series, and author, that I stumbled across on TikTok. I don’t remember what video I first saw, but if you look at her Instagram page (she posts her the TikToks under her reels) you’ll see how amazing her transitions are and what drew me in. 

After finding her TikTok, and seeing her promoting her book series I thought I would go check out the synopsis for the first book. OMG, it sounds so good. Hooked, instantly. Not to mention the cover is gorgeous and the hardback naked cover of stunning. So, naturally being a lover of hardback books, I swooped to Amazon and found it.

had enough money to buy the first and second book of the series in hardbacks. 

Something that completely pulled me into her and her story is that she is Scottish! I’ve never been able to find an author who writes in the genre I read and writes a story I would want to read who is also from Scotland.

I’m very excited to read this series and hopefully get the first and second book finished for the third book coming out on the 22nd of February 2022.



Erin Bowman
Contagion, Book 1

OMG! This series has been hard.

The reason this series has been hard is that literally nowhere has it! I normally find my book either from Waterstones or Amazon. Waterstones I just like and Amazon has a wide range of books and Kindle versions of books.

Contagion has been on my radar for a few years and I’ve been looking forward to reading it but have never got round to buying it and therefore reading it. I think I saw it in a Christmas Instagram Competition a few years ago and entered but never ended up winning. So, when I got money for my Christmas I decided to use some of it to buy the contagion series, only to find it’s nowhere.

I’m always wary about buying second-hand books online, just because I don’t want to end up with a copy that has been beaten, bashed and destroyed. So, I was looking for something new or pretty much new. I ended up doing a Google search and finding that the Book Depository has it. And not only do they have both books, but they’ve also got them in hardbacks. Obviously, I’m getting the hardbacks and using a bit more of my Christmas money than I had intended, but for a good cause. 

(The rest of the Christmas money is going towards my Steam account and getting whatever is on the sale and my wishlist.)


House of Fear and Freedom

Kimberley J. Ward
The Wyrd Sequence, Book 1

A book I got the Kindle version of ages ago and have yet to read. I don’t remember what made me see this book, maybe an Instagram ad. Either way, I remember quickly finding it and getting it. 

As I said, it’s been on my Kindle for a while so I thought I should add it to this years TBR and get it read, so it isn’t sitting there feeling left out!

Honestly, at this very moment, I can’t really remember the synopsis of the story. I think it is about a girl who goes looking for her sister but encounters all sorts of dark and twisted things along the way while trying to also figure out why her sister was taken in the first place. It sounds really good, and just a bit dark and mysterious like I like things to be!



Christina Henry

Christina Henry is one of my favourite authors! I have nearly all of her books on my bookshelf! 

I pre-ordered this one and got it in a hardback.

I don’t really have much else to say other than her dark, twisted take of beloved tales is what I aspire to do. She is my inspiration for writing in Dark Horror Fantasy. I want to write stories that are equally as dark and twisted as hers because the world is dark and twisted. It feels more real to me if my characters experience the same horrors that are in this world, or worse.

So, my books will definitely be in the NA Fantasy or Adult Fantasy genre.


The Cruel Prince

Holly Black
The Folk of the Air, Book 1

I’ve read the first line, on the first page of this book, laughed and thought I need to know more.

This is one of those series that everyone raves about, and I see all the cool editions on Instagram, but I’ve never got around to doing anything about it. I have all three books but just keep finding something else to read or re-read. I’m an awful person for re-reading books when my TBR pile grows higher and higher.

I’m happy I have this on my list this year and look forward to seeing the story behind the hype!


The Night Circus

Erin Morgenstern

This was a book that one of my friends read and she came in raving about it one day! She was completely in love with it and recommended it to me. 

This did happen back in 2016/2017 so it has been a few years but I’ve got it on my Kindle and I’m ready to read it.

In complete transparency, I really don’t know much about this book other than my friend told me to read it like 5 or 6 years ago. I’m taking her word for it in hopes I enjoy it. A lot of pressure on her, but not sure if she’ll remember recommending it to me anyway!

Plus, Morgenstern is such a cool last name that I have to at least give the book a shot!



Adrian Barnes

And, finally, we have Nod. This last one also so happens to be my only book with a male author! 

Once again, a book that I don’t remember the synopsis of but remember that I liked it! And another one that was bought and left to collect dust, so it finally getting on the TBR and read this year! Along with so many others but this one is a nice short one. I think I could get through it in a few uninterrupted hours! 

Honourable Mentions

Salt For Air

MC Frank

As of writing this on 30th December 2021, I’m currently reading this book, but it was on my 2022 reading list and I won’t finish it until after the new year so it will count towards my 2022 reading challenge. I had been wanting to read this book for years, but never got around to it but have finally got to it. It is brilliant, so far. I’ve read 32% of the book so far, according to Kindle, and I’ve already cried multiple times and felt my heart break inside my chest. And yes, most of these tear sessions have been either in restaurants, around family, on a train and my personal favourite, the hairdressers.


JD Netto

I’ve read this book before, but it has to be mentioned! This is a brilliant, fantasy Christmas book. A dark take on the story of Saint Nicholas.

Six of Crows

Leigh Bardugo

I have the special editions of this book and Crooked Kingdom and still haven’t read them! I was going to read this series but read the Shadow & Bone series first. However, I didn’t really enjoy the Shadow & Bone series so I’m apprehensive about this series. It seems a lot more people enjoy this series so there is some hope.

I’m a Therapist, and My Patient is Going to be the Next School Shooter

Dr Harper

kay, so this was a random purchase. I’m sure I got this book on one of those ridiculous sales that Kindle does where books drop-down to 99p and I going on a mindless and stupid buying spree. This was another book I got years ago and never got to, so this year I will! Plus, after looking at the Dr Harper website, I’m captivated by the fiction of Dr Harper and can’t wait to read this book. Plus, getting it off my TBR finally will be good!

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New Year, New Books! Top 7 Books I’m Excited For