Now It’s Calm. Dissertation Log: Week 17

Dissertation Log: Week 17

Section 1

The Basics

Name: Ryn Johnstone

Age: 26

Date: Sunday, 31st December, 2023 (HOGMANAY!!)

Dissertation Title: Peter Pan And The Rule of Samhain (I want to change this)

Section 2

Progress Questions

What are the most important results I obtained the last week?

None. It’s Christmas-Hogmanay week, so I’ve been tidying up and relaxing.

I’ve missed a good few weeks throughout the semester, but this was from being busy and prioritising other things, like sleep. I’ve honestly not thought about it other than the occasional, “Oh, I finish Uni in a few months!” Partnered with the fear of what will come next. 

Did I deviate from the planning of the last week? If so, why?

Yes, only because I had planned to do some work on the story plotting and blog planning, but it all fell away. I will try to get myself into a routine during the week.

What are my most important goals for the coming week?

For this week, it’s more focused on my blog/Fiverr account. I’m going to try getting them going, mainly the blog, establish a workable routine, and try the dissertation either next week or the week after.

What do I have to do to meet these goals?

I just need to follow the routine I create, along with getting enough downtime and sleep. I’m using my planner a lot more, so I feel this is beneficial if I stick to it.

What can I do to overcome any hurdles on the way?

Just take a moment and think it through. Most of the time, the solution is easy. It’s just a lot of work.

Section 3

Grounding Questions

What has been your most significant achievement this week?

I got all my Stories2Survive Instagram photos taken. I took new photos since I had to take nearly all my books off my shelf to rearrange them. I am happy with them. Now, I just need to get the sorted and actually schedule both accounts.

What has been your biggest obstacle this week?

The photos! It doesn’t seem like it, but it’s just a lot of mess. I use my work desk, so I had to clear it, set up the scene, and then take photos of over 50 books if not more. So, it was a big obstacle, and then tidying it all away. I just don’t like the tidying side.

What are you concerned about for next week?

I’m worried I won’t stick to my routine. I’m afraid that it will spill over since Monday/Tuesday will be sluggish days. However, I’m confident I can do it. 

What are you excited about for next week?

My Final Fantasy XV day. I’m hoping I can do it on the weekend.

What made you smile this week?

Christmas Day. It was a good day.

What has been your favourite song(s) this week?

Stray Kids – 락 (樂) (LALALALA)

ATEEZ – 미친 폼 (Crazy Form)

What has been your favourite photo(s) this week?

Here is the Piper at Edinburgh Castle playing for the bells on Hogmanay.

Dissertation Fav Week 17 Photo
Anything else you want to say?

I’m scared about my future. It’s so unknown, especially since I don’t know what I could earn. I’m worried I won’t do well with my freelance plan, but I won’t be accepted if I try to find other jobs. I’m not letting it take over and stop me, but it is there, lingering in the shadows of my head. 

Dissertation Log: Week 17 = COMPLETE

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Now It’s Calm. Dissertation Log_ Week 17