Dissertation Log: Week 18
Section 1
The Basics
Name: Ryn Johnstone
Age: 26
Date: Sunday 7th January, 2023
Dissertation Title: Peter Pan and the Rule of Samhain (or The Bodach of Neverland?)
Dissertation Progress: I have 0 motivation
Section 2
Progress Questions
What are the most important results I obtained the last week?
Deciding a new title for my story. I’m unsure if I will keep the title “The Bodach of Neverland” or maybe use “Na Bodach of Neverland.” I don’t know if the Gàidhlig is correct. I would love to have a twin title style. Like “The Trickster of Neverland”, the twin title is “Na Bodach a’ Neverland,” which, if I’ve translated correctly, is the Gàidhlig equivalent of the English one.
As I learn more Gàidhlig, I hope I can work out these sentences myself, but I’m hoping I’m getting them as close to correct as possible. If it is something I feel I want to go ahead with and try, I will try contacting some people and see if they can help me either work it out or let me know if I’ve done it right or not.
Did I deviate from the planning of the last week? If so, why?
I didn’t deviate from the plan. There isn’t much of a plan at the moment. I’m currently more focused on my blog. I really want to get it going before I finish University, and suddenly, I don’t have as much time to work on it.
The idea of this post coming out months after I’ve written it is cool. I wonder where I will be in my journey when this comes out. I’m currently in my bedroom, heated blanket on, my dissertation plotted but not written and a complete blank on what I’ll be doing after I finish Uni. Like, yeah, I have a plan in place for life after Uni, but it’s all fuzzy. Nothing is confirmed or solid. It’s just a hazy future. It’s not scary or anything, just unknown, and that’s sort of cool. Like, I’m writing this wondering what life will be like then, and when this comes out, my life might be entirely different, or everything will have fallen into place.
Okay, sorry for the ramble. That just hit me out of nowhere!
What are my most important goals for the coming week?
This week, I’m about to start, and the week after are blog-related, so in terms of that, I’m hoping to have at least six months’ worth of posts written and scheduled, if not more. I’ve bumped my schedule to two posts per week, so I need to keep up with things. Ideally, I would like to have posts scheduled at least into June/July as I think at those points, it would allow me to drop my writing down a lot during term time but still have time once I finish boosting everything back up.
What do I have to do to meet these goals?
Stick to my focus hours of nothing but pure work, isolate myself from social media (I get too hooked on Reels and Shorts) and spend time to myself. I can be bad for going narrow on the writing but not going anywhere, going to the other extreme, and not doing anything because it’s all too much. So, breaks, walks, hobbies, and sleep are essential and will also be needed to keep my goal.
What can I do to overcome any hurdles on the way?
Again, take breaks, drink, eat, sleep and remember to indulge in hobbies. This can’t be the be-all and end-all if I want it to be sustainable.
Section 3
Grounding Questions
What has been your most significant achievement this week?
My most significant achievement this week was reading two books. Both were small. The first book was The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw, and the second was Hailstone by Rafael Scavone.
The Salt Grows Heavy is a short story (around 125 pages) about a mermaid and plague doctor. Hailstone is a graphic novel about an old American town during the war where people go missing.
The Salt Grows Heavy
What has been your biggest obstacle this week?
My biggest obstacle has been getting back into a routine. I lost it a bit once I stopped for the Winter Holidays, but I’ve gotten back into one. I stumbled over this weekend, but think I’ll be fine next week.
What are you concerned about for next week?
My only “concern” is that I won’t get as much writing done as I want to get done. I’m sure I can, and it will be fine. I’ve chosen all my posts for the year; I just have to write them.
What are you excited about for next week?
My Final Fantasy XV Weekend.
Every New Year, I watch Kingsglaive one night, and then the next day, I wake up and playthrough the entire Final Fantasy XV from start to finish. It’s one of my favourite games. This year, I’ve had to move it back to the second week of January (normally, I play during the first week), but it didn’t fit in with plans in the house. I’ve got it sorted to play over the weekend, though, and I’m so excited. I’m going to play through on New Game+ though. It’s the story I play for, so having all my levelled up stuff is nice.
What made you smile this week?
New Year’s Day with my family. It was way back on Monday, but it was a good day. I enjoyed myself.
What has been your favourite song(s) this week?
DArkSide by Bring Me The Horizon
What has been your favourite photo(s) this week?
This photo of me and Chewy from the polaroid camera.
Anything else you want to say?
I’m feeling good about things at the moment. I hope it stays that way.

Dissertation Log: Week 18 = COMPLETE