The Ending Of The Story. Dissertation Log: Week 10

Dissertation Log: Week 10

Section 1

The Basics

Name: Ryn Johnstone

Age: 26

Date: Sunday 19th November, 2023 (2143)

Dissertation Title: Peter Pan and the Rules of Samhain

Section 2

Progress Questions

What are the most important results I obtained the last week?

I did my presentation on Monday. It went well. Well, I think it did. I haven’t got my grade back yet. I’m hoping I’ve done well. I’m super proud of it!

On my way home on Monday, I figured out the end of the story. I’ll check with my supervisor that the idea is okay, but I’m in love so far. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, it’s my story after all. It’s to show off my skills. 

Did I deviate from the planning of the last week? If so, why?

Nope. Well, I was meant to do my Creative Writing assessment, but I spent time trying to figure out if I understood Content Analysis or Framing Analysis easily in the Analysis of News Language for the Journalism assessment.

What are my most important goals for the coming week?

Focus on the Journalism assessment and Pinterest. As much as my studies are important I need to remember and think of my future. I need to step into the working world as I finish. I cannot go back to a job like Morrisons.

What do I have to do to meet these goals?

Schedule and stick to timing better. Ensure a strict sleep schedule.

What can I do to overcome any hurdles on the way?

Take breaks and be strict with activities. Limit social media usage.

Section 3

Grounding Questions

What has been your most significant achievement this week?

The presentation and figuring out the ending.

What has been your biggest obstacle this week?

Time management. So many days without study or career-related things.

What are you concerned about for next week?

The Journalism Assessment and Pinterest.

What are you excited about for next week?

To read more of Good Girls Don’t Die by Christina Henry.

What made you smile this week?

Getting Good Girls Don’t Die by Christina Henry. I got the good cover, too!!

What has been your favourite song(s) this week?

Megaverse – Stray Kids

락 (樂) (LALALALA) – Stray Kids

Stuck Inside – Black Gyph0n

What has been your favourite photo(s) this week?

This of Chewy and GGDD 

Anything else you want to say?

I’m away to bed. It’s now 2200, and Chewy is murphing and moaning.

Dissertation Fav Week 10 Photo

Dissertation Log: Week 10 = COMPLETE

Ryn Johnstone Blog Signature
The Ending Of The Story. Dissertation Log_ Week 10