CONTENT COVERED: Salt For Air (M.C. Frank)/The Cruel Prince (Holly Black)
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This Book So Far post was supposed to be a review of Salt For Air, a book I started at the start of December. However, as you can see, this won’t be the case. The reason is I’ve not finished the book. Instead, I’ve started reading The Cruel Prince, but I’ve not finished that book either!
So, I’ve decided to share my thoughts so far on each book instead of doing a review for a single book.
Salt For Air
M.C. Frank
Salt for Air follows Ellie, a seventeen-year-old orphaned girl who write fanfictions about mermaids, then one day she finds herself caught up in a real-life mermaid war.
This book has made me cry. There is a lot of familiarity in this book for me, being alone and trusting people due to that, along with preferring other worlds than this one. This did pull me into the book further, truly loving the comfort of feeling understood.
However, this feeling, while still there, started to fade with my interest. It is possible I was simply bored from just reading the same story; which does happen to me a lot. The story, for me, felt like it was just repeating the same thing. It was feeling like a constant back and forth between Ellie and Ky (the mermaid prince). One minute they are sort of friendly, the next she hates him and wants him away.
And even though I identified with aspects of Ellie, I found that she was beginning to annoy me a little. Ky and his sister would hurt her, emotionally, she would then distance herself from them, then let them back again. Then when a new character is introduced she puts all of her trust in them only to find out they are like Ky and know both him and his sister. It’s almost as if Ellie has no self-preservation instincts, at all. It all got a bit painful after a while.
I’m sure I’ll go back to it, but for now, I can’t.
The Cruel Prince
Holly Black
I started this book a few weeks ago, and I think I’m at chapter 13 (ish). Sometimes I can read fast, other times I read slow, just depends on time and how tired I am. So far I am loving this book.
Jude is so snappy. I love her quick and sharp thoughts, and how she doesn’t take as much shit from Carden as her sister does. The dynamics between all the characters is amazing actually. Even Carden’s Court of Little Shits; all of them are awful but work so well together.
I am enjoying the book a lot and I’m looking forward to finishing it and hopefully moving on to the next two books!
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