Ryn's Rambles

7 Things That Keep Me Creative

If you’ve got a hobby or job that involves being creative then you know that eventually, you get something like a creativity block. And it’s shit. More so when you have to be creative. For me, my blog is the only thing I need to stay motivated and creative about. And for that reason, and the fact that my blog has no income, for now, I can spare time. But, what do I do to fix it when it does happen? What keeps me creative?

Well, I use various methods. There isn’t just one thing that keeps me going. For this post, I thought I would write about my seven most commonly used methods to keep me creative. I use these methods almost daily to keep myself creative and motivated. Along with a large helping of pure chaos, flexibility and a lot of sleep!


I don’t know (and don’t think) that flexi-writing is an actual thing or if it is might have a different name, but this is something I do often. It is simply I switch the style I write in. 

So, I tend to write in five styles; creative, research, analysis, review and reflective. And sometimes, writing in one style too often can become a chore. It also can be that I just don’t have the right mindset to write in a particular style on that day. Some require more brainpower than others. Like, analysis needs a lot more brainpower than reflection. 

I tend to use this method more during the heavy assessment periods at University. As I am studying English there is naturally a lot of essay writing and analysis pieces I need to do. So, this means that heavy research and analysis writing on here can be too much. 

If I can’t write in one style I simply pick an easier style and roll with it. Creative writing can be easy as well, depending on what I’m writing. If it is world-building or anything to do with my universe then it takes a lot, so I don’t do that when I’m not in the right headspace. However, just finding a prompt or making up silly poems are ways to help. Plus, I can use them on here as examples of my writing, even if they are bad – writing is meant to be fun, not a chore.


Sleep is something I have been so reluctant to give any wiggle room with. I absolutely love my sleep. I’ve always been able to fall asleep anywhere at any time. I LOVE SLEEPING.

Because of this, I always need to make time for it. So, it comes first before writing. If I’m tired, then I sleep. What about my writing? I’ll reschedule and get it done. Even if that means reducing my TV time at night or writing alongside it, I’ll get it done.

It is so important to add sleep in, in my opinion. Plus, normally after I’ve had a nap or when I wake up in the morning, I feel more motivated to do things and can remember parts of my dreams so they can be used as prompts.


This is more of a method I use to curb my anxiety and depression, you know, stop them before they hit me in the guts. However, it is also effective at helping with motivation.

So I use an app called TimeTune and it is free to use with premium features available if you upgrade. I love this wee app. I have templates made up and set each day with one of them, then the night before I go through the next day’s template and see what needs to be changed if anything. So, if I have an appointment or I’m coming home from Uni earlier than usual then I can change up my day. It allows me to keep to a schedule and help me get past the anxiety of trying to do everything at once. I also don’t feel like I am regulating myself, but rather the app is monitoring what I’m doing. It tells me when to stop and eat, stop and walk Chewy, stop and take a break from studying, take someone somewhere or move on to the next thing.

The schedule ensures that I don’t spend full days solely focused on Uni work and get burnt out or that I don’t spend the whole day on blog and writing that I forget about Uni. And within that, it reminds me to sort out, Instagram and Pinterest posts, which I need to do. More so, but I’ve been having issues with Instagram and I’m currently trying to plan what I’m doing with Pinterest.

Overall, having some sort of schedule is brilliant as I never spend so long on one task that I get burnt out with it and I can jiggle the day routine about to suit with life and look back and understand what I might need to spend more time on later.

~No-Pressure Hobbies~

THIS! This one is so important!! OMG! I never knew how important this was until I took my writing more seriously. My writing was always my no-pressure hobby and I never knew it until I started to take it seriously and make it my goal job. Then it hit me. I need another hobby that doesn’t involve the constant need and demand to write.

Yeah, I enjoy going on walks with Chewy, but I live in Scotland and during the torrential rain or horrendous cold, going for a walk is something that neither of us enjoys. And trust me, Chewy doesn’t like it. He hates getting wet, and I honestly can’t blame him, because same. So, I needed something else.

There is reading. It is fun, but due to my course and writing, I’m constantly noticing things and analysing what I’m reading. Yes, I’m engulfed by the world and its magic, but my brain is still working away on what I see while I’m reading. I need a mindless hobby.

Therefore, drawing. Well, doodling. I’ve always doodled, especially in my jotters at school. Don’t get me wrong, I’m crap at it! But, it’s mindless and fun. I can doodle, trace, draw, play about, whatever I want and doesn’t mean anything! It’s something I can focus on or watch TV and do. It helps me wind down while also giving my hands something to do.

I think this is something that everyone should find. Plus, you don’t have to be any good at your hobbies, you just have to enjoy them. That’s the only requirement.

**ADDITION: I forgot I love playing video games but they can also need some brainpower or full attention unless I replay Skyrim or Prey (2017) so I never added it. I do play them on chill days, but drawing for the no thoughts days**

~Self-Care Days~

 I constantly see these people on Instagram and other social media talking about working as hard as possible, and yes this is so important when starting from nothing! However, I never see these people talking about burnout, self-care, or anything.

I’ve had to pull myself out of the darkest depths of my mind countless times. It can become a weekly occurrence for me, a week or so ago being the most recent time. So, I’m someone who gets burnt out so fast and can’t always give it my all every single second of every single day. I need to listen to what my mind and body need. 


I love making mood boards! It’s why I started posting mini mood boards on my Instagram. I Love Them! And as a result, love Pinterest! 

The site is amazing for generating ideas and putting everything into sections. It really helps with visualising the writing, giving prompts, awesome graphics, or (of course) looking at art and edits from bits of media that I love! Although, I do try to keep all the fandom-related stuff to my Instagram explore page.

This is somewhere I can go when I want to write or imagine things but not put too much effort into doing anything. Like when I’m winding down for bed, I don’t want to sit and write out a synopsis or scene but I do want to handle some aspect of my world so I go to Pinterest and I can fill out or create a mood board.

~Chaos Writing~

In its simplest form, this is the marvel of letting the generators choose basically everything. I stick to the fantasy genre, but the basic plot, characters, name of the story – all of it – is decided by a generator. This is a fun way to stop me from over-planning and just making me write. The story can remain in my world and follow its basic concepts but the story doesn’t have to be linked to anything. Just write and let it be a one-off – a standalone. 

I use Reedsy to generate everything. And once everything is generated I have to mash them all together. It’s madness and fun.

And, that is some of the ways I stay creative. I basically just try to avoid burnout which can happen often and fast with me. Plus, I go in and out of anxious and depressive episodes a lot where I don’t feel as motivated or days pass and a forget or the favourite (for my brain) is to hyper-fixate/obsess over something/multiple things and lose track of reality for a bit.

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A Scottish twenty-something-year-old, studying English and Journalism Studies at University. Being very introverted lead me to develop a major love and attachment to stories, which I write and discuss here. Genres that I focus on are Fantasy and Horror with some Drama and Sci-fi in there too.
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