Books / Ryn's Rambles

Peter Pan, Wonderful Annotated Thoughts On A Classic


Once again, I’m back with some of the thoughts I wrote down while I was reading J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan.

I had to read Barrie’s Peter Pan as part of my dissertation (since I’m writing a Peter Pan retelling), so I read this over the summer of 2023. I do find myself funny sometimes, and occasionally, my annotations can also be funny. Therefore, I am happy to share my favourite annotations with you!


Spoilers Ahead!

“Will they reach the nursery in time? If so, how delightful for them, and we shall all breathe a sigh of relief, but there will be no story. On the other hand, if they are not in time, I solemnly promise that it will all come right in the end.”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

I would like to report that Mr and Mrs Darling made it to the nursery on time but then there be no story.

All I could hear at this moment was the scene in the 2003 Peter Pan film with Jason Isaacs when the Darling parents come home and Nana barks at the open window in the childless bedroom.

“’It liked my arm so much, Smee, that it has followed me ever since, from sea to sea and from land to land, licking its lips for the rest of me.’

‘In a way,’ said Smee, ‘it’s a sort of compliment.’

‘I want no such compliments,’ Hook barked petulantly.”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

Aw, Smee! I would have thought it a compliment, too!

“’Peter would look at them through his legs.’…as one boy they bent and looked through their legs. The next moment is the long one; but victory came quickly, for as the boys advanced upon them in this terrible attitude, the wolves dropped their tails and fled.”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

How the fuck did that work?!

“Tink’s reply rang out: ‘Peter wants you to shoot the Wendy.’”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

Damn, she’s murderously jealous. Calm your shit, girly.

“’Perhaps she is going to sing in her sleep,’ said Peter. ‘Wendy, sing the kind of house you would like to have.’ Immediately, without opening her eyes, Wendy began to sing:”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie


“After a time he fell asleep, and some unsteady fairies had to climb over him on their way home from an orgy.”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

The faeries did what? What is the age range of Peter Pan? Lol! I thought this was children’s fiction.

“John had to be altered a little.”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

Like how?

I would have liked to have known in what form. Like, had he mentally matured, grown physically or lost touch with reality a little more? I’m sure it was losing touch with reality, but how?

“’Seventeen,’ Slightly sang out;”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

Seventeen right here

Da-rum-da-rim-da, 또 다른 세계 나아가자, go
이 rhythm에 맞춰

“You see, the woman had no proper spirit. I had meant to say extraordinarily nice things about her; but I despise her, and not one of them will I say now.”

Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

Shit, man, who hurt you?

Oh, my Guides! My guy, what has Mrs. Darling ever done to you? I loved this part, not for the hatred, but for the sheer switch from causal storyteller and narrator to “Mrs. Darling can be a right bitch” in a matter of a few lines. It was so funny because of the whiplash. The narrator just couldn’t hold it in any longer.

And those are my best annotations from J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. I have plenty more annotations, but they were mostly all discussing things I liked and disliked and comments that were sparks of ideas for my dissertation. So, a bit boring and not worth slotting in here at all.

my current read

A Scottish twenty-something-year-old, studying English and Journalism Studies at University. Being very introverted lead me to develop a major love and attachment to stories, which I write and discuss here. Genres that I focus on are Fantasy and Horror with some Drama and Sci-fi in there too.
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